Gruppierte Exceltabelle mit Python, pyopenxl und xml
Die Aufgabe bestand darin, die in xml vorliegenden ineinander verschachtelten Tasks einer GANT- Projektplanung (http://ganttproject.biz/about) einzulesen, etwas auszumisten und dann in Excel zu übertragen, und zwar so, das möglichst die Hierarchie der Ober- und Unteraufgaben erhalten bleibt.
Am Ende sah das dann letztlich so aus (so als Blaupause, wenn man mal wieder Excel- Gruppierungen braucht) :
#!/usr/bin/env python3 import sys import openpyxl from datetime import datetime from xml.etree import ElementTree def recursive_tasks(parent_task_list, level, allocations): result = [] for task in parent_task_list.findall("task"): if task.get("id") not in allocations: allocs = [] else: allocs = allocations[task.get("id")] result.append( { "level": level, "data": [ task.get("name"), datetime. strptime(task.get("start"), '%Y-%m-%d'), int(task.get("duration")), int(task.get("complete")), ", ".join(allocs), ], } ) result = result + recursive_tasks(task, level + 1, allocations) return result def recursive_ws_group(ws, task_list, position): # let's see if we can fix the group problem recursively... this_task_level = task_list[position]["level"] next_task_level = this_task_level while True: if position < len(task_list) - 1: position += 1 else: # end reached return position next_task_level = task_list[position]["level"] if next_task_level > this_task_level: end_level_position = position while ( end_level_position < len(task_list) - 1 and task_list[end_level_position]["level"] > this_task_level ): end_level_position += 1 if ( end_level_position < len(task_list) - 1 ): # we have not reeached the end, so we need to decrement by 1 to point to the correct element end_level_position -= 1 if end_level_position > position: ws.row_dimensions.group( position + 2, end_level_position+2, outline_level=this_task_level + 1 # we need to add one (1) offset more, because we have an additonal header line in the table ) position = recursive_ws_group(ws, task_list, position) if next_task_level < this_task_level: # end if this level reached return position tree = ElementTree.parse(sys.argv[1]) # ElementTree.dump(tree) root = tree.getroot() resources_element = root.find("resources") resources = {} for resource in resources_element.findall("resource"): resources[resource.get("id")] = resource.get("name") allocations_element = root.find("allocations") allocations = {} for allocation in allocations_element.findall("allocation"): task_id = allocation.get("task-id") if task_id not in allocations: allocations[task_id] = [] allocations[task_id].append(resources[allocation.get("resource-id")]) tasks = root.find("tasks") task_list = recursive_tasks(tasks, 0, allocations) # https://stackoverflow.com/questions/27133731/folding-multiple-rows-with-openpyxl wb = openpyxl.Workbook() ws = wb.active # write the header ws.append(["Task", "Start", "Duration", "Complete", "Resources"]) for task_item in task_list: ws.append(task_item["data"]) ws.sheet_properties.outlinePr.summaryBelow = True recursive_ws_group(ws, task_list, 0) wb.save(sys.argv[2])
pc/excelgroups.txt · Zuletzt geändert: 2022/01/30 13:55 von admin