Exceltabelle ins Wiki- Format
Um mal eben eine Excel- Tabelle ins DokuWiki- Format zu kriegen, eignet sich folgende kleine VBA- Function:
Function formatAsWikiTable(fields As Range, format As String, header As Boolean) ' format (like 'llcr' tells the allignment of cells: l=left, r=right, c= center default: left ' header: creates headerline if true Dim result As String colCount = 1 format = LCase(format) For Each i In fields f = Mid(format, colCount, 1) If f = "r" Then lspace = " " rspace = " " Else If f = "c" Then lspace = " " rspace = " " Else lspace = " " rspace = " " End If End If If header Then sep = "^" Else sep = "|" End If result = result & sep & lspace & i.Value & rspace colCount = colCount + 1 Next result = result & sep formatAsWikiTable = result End Function
pc/excel2wiki.txt · Zuletzt geändert: 2014/03/23 09:07 von admin